What are different positions in design department | Different designations of design engineer

R.K Verma


Mechanical engineering blog. Mechanical engineer
Mechanical engineering blog. Mechanical engineer

In this video you will learn about Different positions in Design Department. What are the designations of Design Engineer. There are so many responsibilities of design department in any organization for product realization or new development. To work efficiently, design department further categorizes into different domains i.e  CAD Section, CAM Section and CAE section. So there are different domains or positions for mechanical engineer to work in these domains / sections.  

Topics covered in this article are :

  • Main roles of design department

  • Different Domains of design department

  • Responsibilities of different Domains

Main Role of Design Department :

As explained in previous article about main roles of design department for any new product development of existing product design, there are activities which need to followed by design department as follows :

  • Datasheet / Technical Specs

  • Calculations

  • 3D Model / Assembly

  • Part Drawings

  • General Assembly Drawing - GAD

  • Bill of material - BOM

  • Testing detail

  • Support to other department

  • Risk Assessment - DFMEA

  • ECN / DCN

  • QMS Documentation

  • NPD - New product development

Different Domains in Design Department :

To Complete all required activities mentioned above of dsign department, mechanical engineers mainly work on two domains which are listed below : 

  • CAD Engineer / Draftsman

  • Product Engineer / FEA Engineer

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ITA Mech Engineering, Mechanical blog, mechanical engineer blog

Responsibilities of Different Domains in Design Department :

Now we will discuss about two different domains in detail i.e what are the responsibilities or job descriptions of these domains in any mechanical organization.

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ITA Mech Engineering, Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Engineering

CAD Engineer / Draftsman   :   

  • CAD Engineer / Draftsman works on the 3D Modelling, Assembly, Drawing part.

  • Works on modifications in existing drawing.  

  • Manage design data on any PLM software or hard copy.

  • Work on any ERP software to manage or release drawing or bill of material.

Product Engineer / FEA Engineer  :

  • They generally work on Solutions to Engineering Problems.

  • Convert idea generation / conceptual working on computer aided drafting.

  • Responsible for all technical calculations.

  • Assign tasks to CAD Engineer or Draftsman.

  • Responsible for Simulation or Analysis.

  • Finalize the idea into paper form  or CAD.

  • Responsible for complete New Product Development from Design to till Protoype.

  • Responsible to do Risk assessment of design process i.e DFMEA

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ITA Mech Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineer

Conclusion :

There are two domains i.e CAD Engineer or Product Engineer in design department which provide different positions to work in. Mechanical engineers have following designation to work which covers almost all segments.